
Sunday, October 24, 2004

recent happs 

I'm impressed by internet searching. I put the new google desktop search on my work PC, and found it's been really useful. We recently switched to Outlook, so now it's very convenient to search all my work email. From the search results, you can go directly to Outlook to reply, etc which is very handy. One of the more useful (or concerning) features is that it searches inside microsoft documents. For example, someone at work sent out a birthday list for everyone in the group, so all I have to do is search for "birthday NAME" and it brings up the document.
I'm also able to track the status of my brother on the internet, since Arizona has all their court cases online. I see a warrant was issued on the 21st, but that's all the news I have of him. (I also noticed a friend who spent some time in Arizona had a few minor traffic violations, but he seems to have complied with the conditions instead of running.)
As for the weekend, I was in Santa Monica (movie and cafe) , Hollywood (improv show), and Fullerton (jazz) with a new Irish friend (and some older non-Irish friends, although Ramon claims to be Irish.)
If you want something interesting to read, I enjoyed the article, "Different Worlds, Different Values" by a Lebanese Christian woman who had to live in a bomb shelter for 7 years before moving to Israel.

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